7 Crucial Factors to maximising your potential as a developer

As technology continues to advance rapidly, the role of developers has become more critical than ever. Whether you are building software applications, developing websites, or creating complex systems, your work significantly impacts your company's success, your growth, and the world at large. I have witnessed how increasing capacity and improving performance can make all the difference in achieving success in your career. And today, I will share seven key factors that will help you increase your capacity and improve your performance as a developer. Following these principles will take your development career to the next level and set you ahead of the competition within and outside your organization. So, let's dive in and explore these factors in detail.


Tech Brew Hub

4 min read

Greetings my fellow developers,

I have two questions for you. It decides if this article is for you or someone else.

  1. Do you want to improve your performance and increase your capacity as a developer?

  2. Are you looking to take your career to the next level?

If so, you're at the right place. With nearly two decades of experience in engineering management, I have seen how following certain fundamental principles can help you succeed as a developer. These seven crucial factors will help you increase your capacity, work more effectively with others, stay motivated, and continuously improve your skills. From setting direction with your company's mission and vision to staying open to all sorts of feedback, these factors will guide you toward success in your career. So, whether you're a seasoned developer or starting, these principles will go a long way.

One of the differentiators between two professional software developers with the same years of experience in the industry is their capacity to produce quality results within the same time and budget. And here are the essential habits and practices a better developer does.

Set Direction with the help of the Company's Mission & Vision

According to a survey conducted by Deloitte, 64% of employees who feel connected to their company's mission and values are more likely to stay with their current employer for at least five years. Therefore, as a developer, it is essential to have a clear understanding of your company's mission and vision. Understanding the values behind them will help you align your work with the company's goals. It will also help you set a direction for yourself and determine how to contribute to the journey.

To set your direction, I encourage you to seek guidance from your mentors. The mentors help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and guide you on the path to help you grow as a developer.

Limitations and Gathering Resources

Thinking is underrated; with it, you can create a vision. Once you have a bigger picture, it is essential to identify the resources you need to accomplish your tasks effectively and efficiently. In a survey conducted by Software Advice, 37% of software development teams experience project failure due to a lack of resources. Please ask for the resources and dependencies you require to deliver quality work. Moreover, document any known limitations or obstacles that may arise during the project. Doing so will help you keep track of your progress and ensure that you are on the right track.

Identify people to collaborate with

Collaboration is crucial for developers, and it is essential to break silos and expand your reach. According to one Harvard Business Review survey, 71% of employees believe that collaboration is crucial for company success. Understanding the cross-functional perspective and working effectively with people within and outside your team can help you achieve success.

You should seek people who can help you improve your skills and work with them to create a better product. Doing so will help you broaden your horizons and approach problems from different angles.

Prioritize the work

As a developer, it is essential to prioritize your work and collaborate with more experienced people. Doing so will help you set your guardrails and ensure you are on the right path. According to a survey conducted by McKinsey, 92% of executives believe prioritizing projects and initiatives is essential for success.

Moreover, working with more experienced people will help you learn from their experiences and mistakes. They can guide you on the best practices and approaches to overcome challenges.

Motivational Areas and Personal Journal

As a developer, you will face overwhelming situations that can lead to exhaustion and confusion. To avoid this, I encourage you to identify your motivational areas and write them down in your journal. According to a survey conducted by TINYpulse, motivated employees are three times more likely to stay with their company than unmotivated employees.

It will help you stay motivated and focused during challenging times. It will also help you maintain your energy levels and prevent burnout.

Setting & Practicing Stretch Goals

Goal setting is an essential skill for developers. According to a survey conducted by ClearCompany, 72% of employees believe that goal-setting positively impacts their work. Setting stretch goals and working towards achieving them can help you align your work with the company's goals.

Set challenging but achievable goals and divide them into smaller tasks with clear descriptions. Doing so will help you track your progress and ensure clarity in your direction.

Stay Open to all sorts of Feedback

As a developer, it's essential to be open to all sorts of feedback, even when you disagree. Listening without contradicting goes a long way and can help you improve your skills. Feedback is a valuable tool that helps identify improvement areas and ensure you deliver quality work. It's important to seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, and customers to get a well-rounded perspective.

However, it's also vital to approach feedback with a growth mindset. Rather than getting defensive or feeling criticized, view feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve. Take the time to reflect on the feedback and identify actionable steps you can take to address any areas for improvement.

In addition, it's also essential to give feedback to others constructively and helpfully. It can help build trust and foster collaboration, leading to better outcomes for everyone involved.


We want to improve every day. And sustainable improvement requires a flexible framework to bring new changes and throw out bad ones. These seven factors can help you increase your capacity and improve your performance as a developer.

Your work significantly impacts your company's success and the world at large. According to a US Bureau of Labor Statistics study, employment in the software development landscape is projected to grow nearly 25% between now and 2029. It's much faster than the average for all occupations. It means there is a high demand for skilled developers, and following these principles can help you stand out.

So, stay motivated, stay focused, and never stop learning. With hard work, dedication, and these seven fundamental principles, you can achieve great things in your career as a developer. Good luck on your journey, and may you continue to grow and thrive in the exciting world of technology.