Big Silly DevOps Confusion

DevOps is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various practices and technologies. It is often misunderstood. Some people interpret it as just automating the deployment, while for others, it's a cultural shift that promotes collaboration and communication between teams. Some of the most common misunderstandings I've encountered and learned from are covered in this article.


Tech Brew Hub

1 min read

DevOps is a practice that aims to bring development and operations teams together to improve collaboration and communication and to increase the speed and quality of software delivery. However, there are some ways in which DevOps can be misinterpreted or misapplied in its implementation. Some of the common areas where DevOps is misunderstood include:

  1. Focusing solely on tooling: Some organizations may focus on implementing specific DevOps tools, such as Jenkins or Ansible, needing to understand the underlying principles and practices of DevOps.

  2. Treating it as a one-time project: DevOps is a continuous improvement process, not a one-time project, so it's essential to have a long-term plan and to evaluate and improve the processes continuously.

  3. Not involving the entire organization: DevOps is for more than just the development and operations teams. It's crucial to have the involvement and buy-in of all stakeholders, including management, business teams, and customers.

  4. Not having a clear workflow and process: DevOps is all about collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement, so it's vital to have a clear workflow and process.

  5. Not taking security into account: DevOps emphasizes automation and speed, but safety should be integrated throughout the process, not as an afterthought.

  6. Need to provide more training and support: DevOps requires a culture change and different ways of working, so it's crucial to provide training and support to help people adapt to the new way of working.

It's essential to keep in mind that implementing DevOps requires a holistic approach, and organizations should tailor it to the specific needs and culture of the organization.

Note: The author has also published this article on,, and LinkedIn.