If sitting still and being quiet is the key to enlightenment, I'm screwed.

We understand that life can be overwhelming, and finding peace amidst the chaos is not always easy. Would you provide your curiosity & the scout within you a safe and supportive space to explore? Let's take a deep breath together and begin this journey towards greater inner calm and well-being.


Tech Brew Hub

6 min read

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant noise and chaos of the world around you? Do you struggle too... finding inner peace and calm amidst the hustle-bustle of the daily life? If so, you are not alone. The stress and the pressure of modern society can take a toll on our health, mentally and physically, leaving us feeling drained, anxious, and disconnected from our true selves. But what if there was a way to quiet the mind, soothe the soul, and tap into a more profound sense of inner peace and contentment?

This is where meditation comes in. This article explores the transformative power of meditation and discovers how this ancient practice can help you cultivate greater mindfulness, reduce stress, and live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

For centuries, people have meditated to improve their mental health and emotional well-being. Yet it remains an underrated practice among millennials. One reason is that it has been overlooked and undervalued. Meditation has never been taught to us how it was back in the days of Gurukul and other educational cultures that understand its necessity in life.

Today, my effort is to unwind you from the complex introduction of meditation you have experienced before. We will learn about different types of meditation, how to prepare for meditation, the correct posture, and how meditation can impact your personal and professional life. We will also debunk some common myths about meditation.

What did Millennials lose & did not realize?

Gen Y & Z are often perceived as a generation constantly on the go. They are always connected, Multitasking and seeing instant gratification. Many millennials believe they do not have the time or patience for meditation. And despite the numerous benefits of meditation, it's a common misbelief that meditation is time-consuming, not exciting, and has no fun. Some individuals are aware because they have partially experienced the wholeness in it. But they are not motivated to seek more awareness. This lifestyle has led them to gain stress, anxiety, and burnout. Millennials may need to fully understand the positive impact that meditation can have on their mental and emotional well-being and unlock their true potential.

Different types of meditations

Starting a meditation practice can be overwhelming with all the available types. However, each variety offers unique benefits that can enhance your physical and mental health. Some of the most popular meditation practices are:

  1. Mindfulness Meditation: If you struggle with stress, anxiety, or depression, mindfulness meditation can help. By focusing on your breath, body, and thoughts, you can learn to be fully present at the moment and observe your thoughts without judgment.

  2. Transcendental Meditation: If you want to reach a state of deep relaxation and inner peace, transcendental meditation might be for you. Using a mantra or sound to focus your mind can reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance creativity.

  3. Loving-Kindness Meditation: If you want to cultivate compassion, kindness, and empathy, loving-kindness meditation can help. By sending love and positive energy to yourself and others, you can improve relationships, reduce anxiety, and increase happiness.

  4. Movement Meditation: If sitting still isn't your thing, movement meditation might be more your style. Incorporating physical movements like yoga or tai chi can help you connect your mind and body and increase awareness of your bodily sensations. This type of meditation can reduce stress, improve flexibility, and enhance overall well-being.

How to Prepare Before Meditation?

Preparing for meditation is an essential step for the most beneficial and positive experience. It's precisely like preparing before a scuba dive. Just as you would set yourself up with the diving suit and equipment to connect with the underwater world, preparing for meditation helps you connect with your inner self and the present moment.

  1. Find a quiet space where you can feel safe and uninterrupted. This could be a room in your house, a park, or a meditation center. Finding a peaceful space can create a calming environment to help you focus on meditation.

  2. Choose the type of meditation that resonates with you and aligns with your goals. By finding a meditation style that suits your needs and preferences, you can enjoy the process and reap the full benefits of your practice.

  3. Decide on the length of your meditation session. Start with a 5-minute session, no more than that. It is manageable, less intimidating, and keeps the interest alive. It allows you to gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable with the practice.

  4. Wear loose, comfortable clothing that will not restrict your movements or breathing to keep you relaxed during your practice.

  5. Switch your phone to airplane mode to avoid distractions.

You can fully immerse yourself in your practice and experience more profound relaxation by minimizing external distractions. Trust me! You won't miss your important Snapchat filters or Instagram memes during meditation :)

What is the Correct Posture to Meditate?

Finding the correct posture for meditation is relatively easy. And it's essential for effective practice. 

  1. Sit in a position that feels comfortable for you, with your back straight and shoulders relaxed. Adjust your position until you find the right balance. You can choose to sit on the floor or on a chair.

  2. Closing your eyes can help you avoid visual distractions and allow you to turn your attention inward.

  3. Place your hands in your lap with your palms facing up or down, whichever feels most natural and comfortable.

  4. Do not try to control your mind from wandering. Give attention to your thoughts for a fraction of a second and ignore them like a stranger on the street. 

  5. Focus on your breath and slowly bring your attention to your breath when your mind goes for another walk. Your mind does wander, don't worry. It's a natural part of the process. Simply acknowledge your thoughts and gently focus back on your breath.

How Does Meditation Affect Your Personal and Professional Life?

Everyone has personal and professional goals, and incorporating meditation into your routine can significantly impact you. Here are some benefits you may experience with regular meditation:

  1. Meditation reduces stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and calmness, allowing you to approach life's challenges with a clearer mind.

  2. Meditation improves your ability to focus and concentrate, which can be beneficial in both personal and professional settings. It helps you feel more in control of your thoughts and emotions.

  3. Meditation enhances creativity by relaxing your mind and accessing new ideas and perspectives, which can help you come up with innovative solutions.

  4. Meditation improves relationships by cultivating feelings of compassion, kindness, and empathy towards yourself and others, allowing you to connect on a deeper level.

  5. Meditation increases happiness by promoting gratitude and contentment, helping you appreciate the present moment and find joy in everyday life.

Do I Suppose to Expect a Magic After Meditation that Will Change My Life for Good?

Meditation can be a powerful tool to enhance your overall well-being. Still, it's important to remember that, like any new habit, it takes time and consistency to see results. Don't get discouraged if you don't feel like a Zen master after just one session. Give yourself grace and make meditation a regular part of your routine. While it's not a quick-fix solution to all your problems, it can help you build resilience and provide a sense of calm amidst life's challenges.

Myths About Meditation

Have you ever felt discouraged from meditation due to common myths about it? Let's clear some things up.

Myth 1: Meditation is Difficult: Meditation may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. There are various types of meditation, and you can select the option that best suits you. Start with a simple, guided meditation, then progressively increase the practice as you get more accustomed to it.

Myth 2: Meditation is Religious: Meditation is a secular practice and can be done by anyone, regardless of their spiritual or religious beliefs. Although some types of meditation have religious roots, you can find a meditation style that aligns with your values and beliefs.

Myth 3: Meditation Requires a Lot of Time: You don't need to devote hours to meditation to reap its benefits. Start with 5 minutes of daily meditation. It can make a significant impact on your well-being. Start small and gradually increase your practice as you see fit. Remember, consistency is vital to experiencing the full benefits of meditation.

Meditation is Boring

Are you, too, looking for a way to enhance your mental and emotional well-being? Meditation might be the perfect practice for you. Although it may take some time to get used to, many people find that meditation can be a profoundly calming and rewarding experience.

To get the most from your practice, it's essential to understand the different meditation types and prepare yourself for them. By finding a quiet space, choosing a meditation that resonates with you, and taking the time to settle into a comfortable posture, you can set yourself up for success.

The benefits of meditation are many and varied. It doesn't matter if you want to reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, or enhance creativity and happiness. Meditation can help. So why not give it a try? Refrain from letting the myths and misconceptions hold you back from exploring the transformative power of this practice. Start your meditation journey today!

Start.Small And Stay.Consistent