Infrastructure as Code: Unraveling the Chaos - Part 1

If you are in the cloud computing space and planning to use Infrastructure as Code (IAC), here is an article with my thoughts on what to expect and what not to.


Tech Brew Hub

1 min read

Ever wonder what is Infrastructure-As-Code? Let's jump right into it without further ado.

Infrastructure as code (IAC) manages and provides IT infrastructure through code rather than manual configuration. This approach allows for the versioning, testing, and collaboration of infrastructure and the automation of provisioning and management tasks. IAC typically uses code written in a high-level programming language to describe the desired state of infrastructure. This code is then executed by a tool that provisions the necessary resources and configures them according to the code. Some popular tools for IAC include Terraform, Ansible, and Puppet.

IAC enables teams to manage their infrastructure in a consistent and repeatable way, making it easier to scale and maintain. It can also help to reduce the risk of human errors.

Where it's going to hurt when you start with IAS

While infrastructure as code (IAC) has many benefits, there are also some potential shortcomings. And it begins with adding Complexity to the infrastructure management process, especially for teams that are new to the concept. This complexity can make it difficult for team members to understand and troubleshoot issues.

There is a learning curve associated with it because teams must become proficient in the tools and languages used for IAC. It can be a significant barrier for teams that are new to the concept. IAC scripts are also not always easy to read or understand, making it difficult to understand how the infrastructure is configured and how changes may impact it. And the parameter of the complexity extends further with this.

Some IAC tools may only be able to handle some types of infrastructure or configurations. It can limit the flexibility of the infrastructure and make it difficult to adapt to changing requirements. When talking about configurations, IAC scripts may depend on specific versions of software or libraries, which could cause problems if those dependencies change in the future.

Keep an eye out for Part 2 if you are aware of the given facts and believe that your team is capable of using Infrastructure as code (IAC).