Infrastructure as Code: Unraveling the Chaos - Part2

Welcome back to part 2 of our series on Infrastructure as Code (IAC) which focuses on the benefits.


Tech Brew Hub

1 min read

Welcome back to our series on Infrastructure as Code (IAC)! Our first post discussed where it would hurt when you start with IAS. If you know the points we discussed in Part 1 and feel that your team is ready for the challenge, Infrastructure as code (IAC) has several benefits.

First, let's talk about Version control. Using GitHub, teams can manage their Infrastructure and rely on Git for version control. It allows them to track changes, collaborate on infrastructure projects, and quickly roll back to a previous version if necessary.

IAC enables provisioning and task management automation, reducing the need for manual intervention and the risk of human errors. Automating infrastructure provisioning on the cloud leads to significant cost savings and improved efficiency. It impacts infrastructure scaling to meet changing demands and reduce human error risk.

Who would prefer to avoid creating consistent and repeatable Infrastructure, making it easier to scale and maintain? Teams can create consistent and repeatable Infrastructure across their different groups and projects that can scale and sustain their Infrastructure easily, leading to cost savings and improved efficiency. Reproducibility is a key benifit of IAS.

Flexibility is also another essential advantage of IAC. It enables more agile infrastructure management by enabling teams to swiftly change their Infrastructure to the evolving requirements. It can benefit businesses expanding or working in sectors undergoing fast change. Swiftly modify their Infrastructure to reflect evolving business requirements and technological changes. They can respond to shifting market conditions with greater agility because of this.

In addition, for teams that work on infrastructure projects, sharing knowledge and best practices is easier. Their Collaboration can lead to improved infrastructure management and better overall outcomes.

In conclusion, IAC has several benefits, including version control, automation, reproducibility, Collaboration, flexibility, better security, cost savings, and improved disaster recovery. By understanding these benefits and real-world examples of how they are being used, organizations can better understand how to implement IAC and fully realize its potential advantages.

Stay tuned for Part 3, where we talk about a few misconceptions.