Infrastructure as Code: Unraveling the Chaos - Part3

The third and last blog in the series on Infrastructure as Code (IAC) discusses the misunderstandings and pitfalls that can catch you off-guard and cost you time, money, and your organization's reputation.


Tech Brew Hub

1 min read

Infrastructure as Code (IAC) is a game-changing tech practice that codifies the underlying IT infrastructure as software. It has revolutionized how organizations manage their infrastructure by defining it as software. So far, this series of IAC blogs have discussed potential shortcomings, the intricacy associated with IAC, and how quickly it could escalate in Part 1. However, we shared the benefits of IAC and how it can help organizations improve their infrastructure management in Part 2. But as with any new technology or process, it's essential also to be aware of potential misconceptions and pitfalls that we will talk about today.

One of the biggest misconceptions about IAC is that it's a one-time project. But in reality, IAC is an ongoing process that requires regular maintenance and updates to ensure the infrastructure stays up-to-date and secure. Organizations that view IAC as a one-time project may not see the full benefits and could even run into issues with reliability and stability.

Another pitfall is focusing too heavily on automation without considering governance. Automation can significantly reduce the need for manual intervention and the risk of human errors. Still, it's also essential to have oversight and governance in place to ensure the infrastructure is secure and compliant. Organizations can run into security, compliance, and overall infrastructure management issues without proper administration.

Testing is also crucial when implementing IAC. Organizations must fully understand the importance of testing IAC scripts and the infrastructure they create to ensure everything is working as intended and identify and fix any issues. Without proper testing, organizations may run into reliability and stability issues.

It's also important to consider the impact of IAC on existing processes and to take the necessary steps to integrate it into the workflow. Organizations should invest in the essential resources, such as tools and training, to fully implement and maintain IAC. Securing scalability and security verifications are crucial aspects to consider when implementing IAC.

In conclusion, IAC is a powerful technique that can help organizations improve their infrastructure management and stay competitive. By understanding the ongoing nature of IAC, the importance of governance and testing, the impact on existing processes, the need for necessary resources, and the scalability and security, organizations can fully realize the benefits of IAC and avoid potential issues.